Pula Software
Software Systems (PTY) LTDCeo Statement
Our belief in innovation, conviction in oneself, belief in people and a drive in excellence, integrity and smart-working and above all belief in creativity, saw the emergence of Pula Payroll & Human Resource Systems, a 100% Botswana citizen owned payroll systems provider. This company is poised to be a leader in payroll & human resource products.
Pula Payroll will cater for small, medium and large organizations, both service and manufacturing industries.
Pula Payroll will grow with your business and its simplicity and easy to use platforms, makes it payroll software of choice.
Pula Software Systems has a zeal for zero defect tolerance and poises itself to cross many borders and be a world-class payroll & human resources systems provider.
We believe in adaptable innovation and the ability to adapt to various market needs and trends, makes us unique and a payroll of choice.
Let us grow together.